‡PBb Ae KgvÛ
অফিসে বের হবো, এমন সময় মলি বললো, জানো, তুলি বৃত্তি পেয়েছে। শুনে আমি খুবই খুশি হলাম কিন্তু
মণি মোটেই খুশি নয়। কারণ আমাদের
মেয়ে রুনা বৃত্তি পায়নি।
The first interaction I had was with The Evangelistic Ministry of AladesanmiAdeyemi from Frankfurt. We had a long series of dialogues with them on different topics of Christianity. Those who have followed us on face book know what we have talked about. But for others, I thought I should compose & publish the whole strings as an e-book. I have put them in Part-I in this book.